Why do I feel so mottig ?
I know why you feel so mottig!
It’s because you are busy feeling mottig.
Simply stop feeling and:
Start DOING something.
Something difficult.
And stop thinking about what you feel.
Think about what you’re doing.
Do it for three days.
You will be healed.
You will know that there is a way to be another person.
Not just an ordinary someone.
A person with guts.
You will understand that only the work that you hate can save you.
So stop hating.
Think right.
Stop paying attention to the illusion of feelings.
Feelings are software constructions that block your attention.
It’s like spam.
They just focus your attention on your anger and your fear.
They leave you helpless and unarmed.
They paralyse your hand.
Feelings make every work a hundred times heavier than it is.
Feelings will always end up in frustration.
And frustration will make you drown in your own hatred.
Stop feeling.
Stop thinking that you feel something.
Work hard.
Don’t think of what you really want.
Think only of what you really want to DO.
And DO it.
Don’t wait.
You really want to be happy?
Smile, WORK, think of what needs to be done.
And DO it.
Don’t hurry.
Do it step by step.
Do it NOW.
Think, smile, stop feeling…
Groetjes van Patrick